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PostHog makes it easy to get data about usage of your Nuxt.js app. Integrating PostHog into your app enables analytics about user behavior, custom events capture, session replays, feature flags, and more.

This guide walks you through integrating PostHog into your app for both Nuxt.js major versions 2 and 3. We'll use the JavaScript SDK.

This tutorial is aimed at Nuxt.js users which run Nuxt in spa or universal mode. You can see a working example of the Nuxt v3.0 integration in our Nuxt.js demo app

Nuxt v3.0 and above


To follow this guide along, you need:

  1. A PostHog instance (signup for free])
  2. a running Nuxt.js application running version 3.0 or above.

Setting up PostHog

  1. Install posthog-js using your package manager:
yarn add posthog-js
# or
npm install --save posthog-js
  1. Add your PostHog API key and host to your nuxt.config.js file. You can find your project API key in the PostHog app under Project Settings > Project Variables.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
runtimeConfig: {
public: {
posthogPublicKey: '<ph_project_api_key>',
posthogHost: '<ph_instance_address>'
  1. Create a new plugin by creating a new file posthog.client.js in your plugins directory.
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app'
import posthog from 'posthog-js'
export default defineNuxtPlugin(nuxtApp => {
const runtimeConfig = useRuntimeConfig();
const posthogClient = posthog.init(runtimeConfig.public.posthogPublicKey, {
api_host: runtimeConfig.public.posthogHost || '',
loaded: (posthog) => {
if (import.meta.env.MODE === 'development') posthog.debug();
// Make sure that pageviews are captured with each route change
const router = useRouter();
router.afterEach((to) => {
posthog.capture('$pageview', {
current_url: to.fullPath
return {
provide: {
posthog: () => posthogClient

PostHog can then be accessed throughout your Nuxt.js using the provider accessor, for example:

<script setup>
const { $posthog } = useNuxtApp()
if ($posthog) {
const posthog = $posthog()

See the JavaScript SDK docs for all usable functions, such as:

Nuxt v2.16 and below

We are going to implement PostHog as a Nuxt.js integration which gives us the possibility to inject the posthog object and make it available across our application.

The first thing you want to do is to install the posthog-js library in your project - so add it using your package manager:

yarn add posthog-js


npm install --save posthog-js

After that we want to create a app in plugins/posthog/index.js

import posthog from 'posthog-js'
import Vue from 'vue'
export default function({ app: { router } }, inject) {
// Init PostHog
posthog.init('<ph_project_api_key>', {
api_host: '<ph_instance_address>',
capture_pageview: false,
loaded: () => posthog.identify('unique_id') // If you can already identify your user
// Inject PostHog into the application and make it available via this.$posthog (or app.$posthog)
inject('posthog', posthog)
// Make sure that pageviews are captured with each route change
router.afterEach(to => {
Vue.nextTick(() => {
/* Note: this might also be a good place to call posthog.register(...) in order to update your properties
on each page view
posthog.capture('$pageview', {
$current_url: to.fullPath

Finally, we need to activate it on the client side in our nuxt.config.js

plugins: [
{ src: './plugins/posthog', mode: 'client' }


By using the example code above you can now use PostHog across your app with this.$posthog or app.$posthog - depending on the context. Compare with the Nuxt.js docs on further details when to use app.$posthog or this.$posthog.

Let's say for example the user makes a purchase you could track an event like that:

<button @click="purchase">Buy</button>
methods: {
purchase() {

Further reading


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How to set up Remix analytics, feature flags, and more

Remix is a full stack web framework built on React with a specific focus on following web standards. In this tutorial, we show you how to add PostHog to your Remix app (on both the client and server side), implement custom event capture, capture pageviews, and use feature flags. Creating a Remix app First, make sure to install a Node version greater than 18. After confirming, run the following command to create a basic app. Name it what you like (we chose remix-tutorial ) and choose the…

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